Installation and configuration SVXBRIDGE ======================================== by SP2ONG and edited by SM5GXQ The base on and was rewritten by SP2ONG to show the possibility how to create DMR <> Analog SVXLink gate using USRP protocol. Adaptation by SM5GXQ -------------------- This is still not plug-and-play. My production setup contains many refinements, that are omitted here. Also, I do things a bit different from the original config by SP2ONG. He also discribes the build of SvxLink, which I have omitted here. In my implementation, SvxLink and svxbridge runs as separate services. The important thing is that SvxLink is started first, and svxbridge a bit afterwards. The PTYs in SvxLink must be created first for svxbridge to work. You can link to SvxLink by a local SvxReflector or direct to your RepeaterLogic. That's up to you. As a minimum, you will need a SimplexlogicDMR with Rx and Tx, using ALSA loopback. The most tricky part is the audio device setup with ALSA loopback. You need some trial-and-error, and a great amount of patience. The index number of the audio devices may vary from system to system. I am not using the MD380-emu. I use a DV3000 stick instead, directly connected to Analog Bridge. Both alternatives will work fine. Install the necessary packages: --------------------------- apt install build-essential apt install git cmake libsigc++-2.0-dev libasound2-dev libpopt-dev libgcrypt11-dev tk-dev apt install libgsm1-dev libspeex-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjsoncpp-dev groff curl Add svxlink user: ------------------ sudo useradd -c "SVXLink user" -G dialout,audio -d /home/svxlink -m -s /bin/bash svxlink Add to /etc/sudores svxlink user to run in su command: svxlink ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Add ALSA loop to load modules in /etc/modules add the line: snd_aloop and create file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf which will be force use by sn_aloop index 0 for number cards: options snd-aloop index=0 # or the number of your choosing (*). Next restart computer and check that alsa loop has number 0 (*) in list of sound devices: cat /proc/asound/cards If required, install the Equalizer. sudo apt install libasound2-plugin-equal ................. Install DVSwitch packages: ========================== Install packages necessary to DVSwitch: -------------------------------------- apt install git python-pip python3-pip python-dev python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev cd /opt/src wget chmod +x install-dvswitch-repo ./install-dvswitch-repo apt update apt install analog-bridge apt install md380-emu apt install mmdvm-bridge Next, configure Analog_Bridge.ini and MMDVM_Bridge.ini Run dvswitch packages: systemctl start md380-emu # If needed. systemctl start analog_bridge systemctl start mmdvm_bridge We use md380-emu AMBE software emulator vocoder with Analog_Bridge to convert audio analog to dmr and opposite Install pyserial and pyaudio for --------------------------------------------- pip install pyserial apt install python-pyaudio Copy /opt/svxbridge/utils/asound.conf to /etc/asound.conf The file contain necessary configuration to work alsa loop sound card Comment out Equalizer if not needed. Run /opt/svxbridge/utils/ to find number of index for "plug_Loopback_1_2" (?) and put this number in in: in_index= below exmaple result of run (0, u'Loopback: PCM (hw:0,0)', 32L) (1, u'Loopback: PCM (hw:0,1)', 32L) (2, u'sysdefault', 128L) (3, u'front', 0L) (4, u'surround21', 32L) (5, u'surround40', 0L) (6, u'surround41', 0L) (7, u'surround50', 0L) (8, u'surround51', 0L) (9, u'surround71', 0L) (10, u'plug_Loopback_1_1', 128L) (11, u'plug_Loopback_1_2', 0L) (12, u'default', 128L) Important! Start SvxLink but not svxbridge service before running the script. The index number will change, depending on devices already in use! Next copy files: from /opt/svxbridge/utils to their destinations (comment in the files). Enable and start svxbridge: ------------------------- systemctl enable svxbridge systemctl start svxbridge Important! Svxbridge must be run as user svxlink (same as SvxLink), otherwise access to PTYs will fail. Check status ------------ systemctl status svxbridge Tune levels audio in /opt/Analog_Bridge/Analog_Bridge.ini (SP2ONG) --------------------------------------------------------- The audio from DMR to SVXlink: ------------------------------ usrpAudio = AUDIO_USE_AGC usrpGain = -16 Try to adjust from -10 to -20 Instead above you can use the following: ------------------------------------- usrpAudio = AUDIO_UNITY usrpGain = 3.8 Try adjust from 2.0 to 4.0 The audio from SVXLink to DMR: ------------------------------ tlvAudio = AUDIO_UNITY tlvGain = 0.3 Try to adjust from 0.1 to 1.0 but before this, you must set correct level audio from svxlink (mic gain in alsamixer). I recommended use Echolink PC version application and connect to svxlink via echolink and next observe the audio level the meter in Echolink application adjusts mic gain in alsamixer to set gain audio that on the audiometer will time to time appear in yellow color. SM5GXQ: I use a different approach. See below. [USRP] address = ; IP address of USRP partner (Allstar/Asterisk or another Analog_Bridge) txPort = 12345 ; Transmit USRP frames on this port rxPort = 12346 ; Listen for USRP frames on this port usrpAudio = AUDIO_USE_AGC ; Digital -> Analog (AUDIO_UNITY, AUDIO_USE_GAIN, AUDIO_USE_AGC) usrpGain = 3.8 ; Gain factor when usrpAudio = AUDIO_USE_GAIN (0.0 to 5.0) (1.0 = AUDIO_UNITY) usrpAgc = -30,5,5000 ; Set the agc threshold (db), slope (db) and decay (ms) tlvAudio = AUDIO_USE_GAIN ; Analog -> Digital (AUDIO_UNITY, AUDIO_USE_GAIN, AUDIO_BPF) tlvGain = 0.27 ; Gain factor when tlvAudio = AUDIO_USE_GAIN (0.0 to 5.0) (1.0 = AUDIO_UNITY) I also use Equalizer to remove some lower frequency bands. After changes you must restart Analog_Bridge: systemctl restart analog_bridge Known issue: delay audio between analog / DMR. Waldek SP2ONG 2020 Peter SM5GXQ 2021